2024 Election Blog
2024 Election result.
So the Election is now over and Labour have the Majority - No surprise. But looking a bit deeper and it shows how undemocratic the UK is:
2019 - Labour got mullered, they lost big, the worst result in Labour history. 10.2 million votes
2024 - Labour win a Majority, they win big, one of the biggest in Labour History. 9.6 million votes
How does this happen? Apathy, people couldn't be bothered to go and vote, well at least for the main two parties. The Conservative vote disappeared, not exactly, they just went to Reform. for the second election in a Row it wasn't won by the votes it was won by Apathy, the more the parties stay the same the less enthusiasm there is to vote in a two party system and this keeps the one of the two parties in power. For the second Election in a row it was won by a party losing votes rather than a party getting votes. But the most powerful party that has influenced the last two election wasn't Labour or Conservatives, but Reform.
Reform in 2019, pulled a lot of their candidates, to help the Conservatives win mainly for Brexit
This time Reform took Millions of votes from the Tories, and helped Labour win a Majority.
Both Election results have been influenced by Reform.
As Sam Coates of Sky said "A thumping Majority without a thumping share of the vote"
Whatever anyone says about Corbyn, he is the only Labour MP to increase the share of the vote since 1997, but winning is winning, power is all that matters and that is what Starmer has now. But this is worrying for Democracy, in a country where over 60 million people can vote, 9.6 million people voted in the person of power, about 6% of the voting public voted for the party in power. This is not a Democracy.
Also not a Democracy when a person with the most votes can't just become Prime Minister, but then has to go to see an unelected head of state to ask if he can become Prime Minister, so that 6% means nothing if the King says no - He didn't and probably wouldn't, however the fact that he has to give his blessing to what the people vote for (no matter how small the percentage is) is proof that we don't have a Democracy.
My Guess at the Election
So here goes, from what I've heard after three weeks, here is my prediction.
Labour will win comfortably, however they won't get as many votes as in 2019, but we will be back to the Tony Blair days of people getting outright majorities with less than 10 million, hope I'm wrong as the 2019 election where Boris Johnson got a majority with nearly 14 million votes is still poor when you think approx. 50 million people in the UK can vote, only 14 million votes got to choose the Government, but it is the system we have, so Labour win, but I'd expect big gains by Greens, Lib Dems and Reform, with big losses from Conservatives, however I don't think the people not voting Conservative will vote Labour this time (or in fact any time) if you look at 2019 Boris said thank you to the Labour voters who gave him his vote, I don't think they did, the figures show that while Labour lost around 3,000,000 voters from 2017, Boris only got 300,000 more votes than May did in 2017 so the people not voting Labour did not vote Tory, also Reform pulled candidates out to help Conservatives win in certain areas. So getting 300,000 more people isn't that impressive. But we are were we are, Labour will get less votes than in 2017 and I think they'll get more but not a lot more than in 2019, they'll get a Majority as Reform will take votes off Conservatives as will Lib Dems, and it will be hailed as a victory for Starmer, which it is winning is winning, but less people voting for you is bad for Democracy, but no one really cares about that. Especially not Labour if they are in power, not the Royals if they still get their say on legislation that affects them, not the media if they have influence over Labour, not the businessmen who control the parties with money.
Democracy is lost. It is lost because all the parties are the same. Have a vote, make your choice, but the same people will still be in charge.
I didn't expect my guess to be so right, some of it was obvious to predict like the Labour Majority. The only thing I got wrong was the amount of votes Labour got. I said they'd get more than 2019, they got less!
2024 Election Blog - 4th July
So we are finally here, It is voting day where we decide which of the two parties controlled by the Media and Billionaires stay in control of the Country. My guess of what will happen:
Starmer will win a Majority but will not get as many votes as Corbyn got in 2017, and will get around the same votes as Corbyn got in 2019 - around 10 million, because the winner will be Apathy
He will then go to the unelected head of state to ask if he can be Prime Minister, making all those votes countless compared to one man's say so.
Charles will say Yes, because 20-25% of the UK has voted for Keir.
The Tories will get between 75-100 seats, they will drop 5-6 million votes from 2019, so will get around 8-9 million votes
Reform will pick up 4 seats at most
The Lib Dems, Greens and Independents will make the most gains
More people will be found to have bet on the Election.
2024 Election Blog - 28th June - 3rd July
The last week.
A reform activist was caught being racist about the Prime Minister, is this news?, or is he trying to become the Reform leader after Farage gives up?
The Illusion of Democracy - During a Democratic Election
SNP Leader John Swinney warned that closely-fought election contests could be affected because some voters still with one week to go had not received their postal votes.
Also a Crown appointed dignitary who represented the King in Essex has resigned from her position after she appeared in a Conservative Party Election campaign material, despite her role being non-political, Sue Jackson, a deputy lieutenant of Essex appeared in a campaign leaflet for the Conservative Candidate for South Basildon and East Thurrock, as a representative of the King Lord Lieutenants and their deputy are publicly apolitical.
The Daily Mail had a pull out indicating 132 constituencies where you can "vote to stop a Starmer Supermajority", this is not a democracy when a paper is telling people who to vote for, the same goes for the website ripples who are telling people to vote tactically to get the Tories out.
How is this a Democracy when people do not vote for what they want but instead vote for what they don't want, just to try and stop the party that they really don't want? It makes a mockery of a Democracy. But then when you have first past the post, you have to make your vote count and voting for what you want is a "waste".
Also the same paper, same day (Saturday the 29th June), ex-PM writing on the front that "the UK can still swerve Starmergeddon", again, he wasn't warning people of this danger when 5 years ago he won an 80 seat Majority. One kind of Majority = Good if it's Conservative, Labour Majority = Bad and needs to be stopped, this is the type of Democracy we have in the UK.
2024 Election Blog - 21st June - 27th June
Getting close to the end now.
And anyone keeping count it is now 5 people who are in Rishi's close circle being investigated by the Gambling Commissioner for allegedly gambling on when the General Election was going to be. What made this funnier was the Tories brought out a Tweet with a Roulette Wheel saying "If you gamble on Labour you never win" the same day two of them were brought to the attention of the world. If this doesn't show you that they are all in it for themselves nothing will, were they looking after their constituents? were they looking after the best interests of the Nation? No they were (Allegedly) making a few quid for themselves, gambling isn't illegal, but insider trading is and that is what they have been doing, using their knowledge to fatten their pockets, yet these are the people who get voted in to run the country, protect us, yet all this time they are (allegedly) using their knowledge of when the next General Election will be held to make money, because that is all that matters to politicians, not just Conservatives.... All of them are in it for themselves, if you took away their expenses (Which a lot of them were caught out fiddling), took away their second houses that we all pay for, took away their subsidized meals and drink in the houses of commons, they wouldn't bother to be Politicians, or they would still be politicians but they'd be even more on the take, what a sorry state of affairs this country is in.
The Guardian newspaper reported that over 120 Conservative MP's paid £100,000 of tax-payers money to the Conservative in-house web design services. The Conservative MP's paid Bluetree website services to design their websites, then claimed the money back through expenses, the Conservatives do not own Bluetree well not completely anyway, but Conservative head quarters repeatedly refused to dent the party received income from Bluetree. Yes folks it looks like you and I pay our Taxes so the Conservatives can get free websites from us - Democracy in action!
Tory MP, Johnny "Rambo" Mercer has been accusing his Labour opposition of lying about his service record. Now I don't know if the service record of his rival is true or not, I do know that a lot of service personal can't talk about their roles as its top secret and that's fine, but Johnny knows this too, he's also Veterans Minister (or was until Parliament was closed down for the Election), this doesn't seem like the kind of thing an ex-Army MP would do to a fellow Comrade, but when you have nothing else for people to vote for you, when you cannot use Policies to win peoples votes, then attack the other side. No surprise the Telegraph offered him a column to spout his opinions. Speaking of which:
The Telegraph are having wet nappies this week
21st June - Sir Jim Radcliffe attacks Labour plans days after backing Starmer
21st June - No State School spaces in Reeve's (Labour shadow Chancellor) constituency as Labour pledge private school tax raid
21st June - Labour would allow wokery to destroy Capitalism
21st June - Keir won't use private healthcare even if his kids were ill
23rd June - Raynor refuses to rule out scrapping landmark North Sea oil Project
23rd June - How Britain's wealthiest savers are preparing for a Labour Government
24th June - Keir Starmer to appoint dozens of peers within weeks of taking office
24th June - Kemi Badenoch (Tory MP) "Labour Gender plans would create loopholes for predators"
24th June - Labour accused of pressuring Gambling Commission over betting scandal
24th June - Starmer could bring back benefits Britain
24th June - "My husband might die for this country yet Starmer is insulting us with his school fees tax"
25th June - "Britain is about to be pushed over the edge"
26th June - "Sunak may have made the Biggest electoral mistake in British history"
26th June - "Labour will make every UK borough take "fair share" of migrants, says Rayner.
26th June - "Labour will come to regret it's war on wealth"
26th June - "pensioners risk £11,000 hit under Labour"
27th June - "Hinges of Corbyn coffin creaked and Starmer turned a darker pink"
Damn, how do people read this every day and not end up with their head exploding? Nothing positive all the Telegraph has is fear, and it does make you wonder if this is how the Conservatives have stayed in power / control for so long?
2024 Election Blog - 13th June - 20th June
Half way through campaigning and things are getting interesting:
Labour released it's manifesto, they chose Richard Walker the exec chair of Iceland foods to launch it, which is a bit strange considering a few months ago he wanted to be a Conservative MP, I wonder what would change? The prospect of Labour getting in or the lack of difference between the two parties? But that wasn't the only cat out of the bag in terms of the Labour Party, because on the 18th June, ex phones4u CEO and Tory party donor John Caudwell said "I'm going to vote Labour for the first time" he then went on to say "It's a hell of a u-turn.... What Keir (Starmer) has done as far as I can see is take all the left out of the Labour Party" In a Democracy it should be that you have more than one political stance fighting for being the PM, but in this Democracy it seems we have a choice between a right wing Conservative party and a right wing Labour Party, as these two businessmen have shown. In a two horse race if both parties are the same the Voters lose!
The Labour party's 2017 and 2019 manifesto pledged to reform the domestic worker visa, removing the conditions that put workers at risk of modern slavery. This pledge was not in the 2024 manifesto - Because Labour is the party of Business now?
Nigel Farage "demanded" a debate with Keir Starmer and this is strange because although I agree every party should be allowed to debate and put their points across, why does Farage think he has the right? his party has one MP and Labour have over 150, this is like San Marino demanding they play Brazil in the World cup final, but as I said every leader should be able to put their point across to the other parties in front of the Voting U.K, so if anyone can explain why Farage after failing 7 times to be elected to Parliament is able to go on all these leaders debates, yet George Galloway, the leader of the Workers Party, and current MP for Rochdale is not invited to go on?, This tells you everything you need to know about Democracy in this country and how Right wing our Media is. But while on the subject of George, "Hope not Hate" have been sending leaflets around Rochdale telling the people to vote out Galloway, I'm just wondering why they are targeting George and not Nigel, a man whose entire "political" career has been to cause division and hate? Again whatever your opinion of George or Nigel is, it is irrelevant in terms of who should be invited to debate, either both of them or neither. One is a 7 times electoral loser and the other has been voted in to be an MP on 4 occasions. I'm saying invite them all or don't invite any of them. That is the only way this could be Democratic.
Rishi Sunak's protection officer got arrested over alleged election date bets. Anyone keeping track that is now two people close to the Prime Minister who allegedly bet on when the General Election was going to be. Yet so many people in the conservative Party kept screaming that Jeremy Corbyn was a danger to Security, it's almost like people in and around the Prime Minister are out for themselves and will do anything to make some money - Shocker.
The Illusion of Democracy - During a Democratic Election
It turned out that the BBC looked into a lot of Twitter account which are posting similar messages all in support of Reform, saying phrases like "Vote Reform UK" and "only Reform UK has a real plan for Britain", these are bots or paid trolls trying to distort the online conversation to try and exaggerate the popularity of Reform, trust me I got into a conversation with one, who tried to convince me that Reform is a "major Party" and at the next Election they could have 7 MP's, now I'm no mathematician but 7 out of 650 doesn't sound major, in fact it sounds like just over 1% to me, unsurprisingly once I pointed out that Reform doesn't have a single MP voted in under the Reform Manifesto (Just one MP, who was voted in as a conservative), the user started using insults.
The Telegraph went into overdrive
14th June - Debate winner was unclear but Rayner lost it.
16th June - Britain still doesn't have a clue about the scale of the disaster heading it's way - With a picture of Keir Starmer (If it wasn't clear that the Telegraph are terrified of Labour getting in)
16th June - If the Right can't unite, Starmer will change Britain beyond recognition.
17th June - Jeers rang out as Starmer squirmed over backing Corbyn and taxes.
18th June - Keir Starmer's original sin has come back to haunt him - A picture of Keir and Corbyn
18th June - "Savers drain pension pot ahead of Labour Tax raid"
18th June "Labour frontbencher can't say how much green energy plans will cut bills"
20th June - Keir Starmer, Corbyn's old Ally, is a threat to National Security
20th June - Labour would rig future elections by giving vote to EU migrants and prisoners, claim Tories
The only thing the Telegraph can peddle is fear.
The Conversation analyzed the number of appearances on Question Time of Non-Politicians in the last 10 years - The results weren't that surprising, it was a Right wing love fest, and people think the BBC is left leaning, number one was Isabel Oakenshott, who is on every right wing TV channel and newspaper going as well as currently dating the leader of the Reform party, second was Julia-Hartley-Brewer, again someone who has written for every right wing newspaper as well as appearing on talk radio and Talk TV, third was Kate Andrews, from the IEA a very right wing think tank from Tufton street in Westminster, in fact I can't see any left leaning people who made the top 13 people mentioned, however one name missing from there is Nigel Farage who did appear 10 times, I guess they view him as a politician?
2024 Election Blog - 6th June - 12th June
Three weeks after the unelected Prime Minister choose to call an election and there is only one place to start.....
Rishi Sunak choose to leave the D-Day remembrance early to do an Election interview with ITV
To leave the D-Day early is bad
To leave the D-Day early on an important milestone (80 years) is unacceptable
To leave the D-day early when your core voters are the elderly is inexcusable
To leave the D-Day early to do an election interview when all the parties had agreed to stop campaigning for that day is despicable
To say you already had the interview booked weeks ago when you only called the Election two weeks ago and you have 80 years notice for D-Day is just a plain face lie from a charlatan.
This doesn't prove we don't have a Democracy, it just proves that Rishi is an idiot, doesn't understand the people, doesn't respect the rules and doesn't tell the truth.... No wonder the Conservatives made him leader.
Rishi left the D-Day memorial to do an election interview, where he was asked about growing up and he said there were "lots of things he missed out on growing up such as Sky TV", as you can imagine he has had the piss taken out of him over this. The poor kid. Starmer was asked if he had Sky TV growing up and he said "Certainly not" Andrew Neil in the Telegraph called out Starmer by pointing out that Sky TV came out in 1989 by which time Starmer was 27. This is another perfect example of the Telegraph supporting the Conservatives by trying a "gotcha" moment and failing, Starmer said he didn't have SKY TV, Neil said he couldn't have had SKY TV and they have managed to make a story out of Starmer saying something that is true. To be fair it doesn't happen often!
One of Rishi's aides apparently put a bet on 3 days before the Election was called that we would have a General Election in July. Amazingly he was right, what are the odds? No seriously what were those odds? Innocent until proven guilty and he is getting investigated, so I'll leave it there.
But the Conservatives didn't stop there, they produced a Poster with Keir as a Hand Puppet and Angela Rayner with her hand up the Puppet controlling him with the caption "Whose controlling Keir", however the Conservative Twitter account tweeted "Angela Rayner has already pulled Keir's Strings"...... a hand puppet does not have strings, this is just embarrassing.
The Conservatives released their manifesto, there were tax cuts, which when all the services you require are cut to the bone offering tax cuts is just a kick in the teeth to the UK, but the Conservatives have nothing to offer but fear of the alternative and cutting tax when the UK needs investments. Keir jumped in and called it "a Corbyn-style manifesto", was it left wing? Nope according to Keir it had "a load of everything into the wheelbarrow without explaining how to pay for it" which is strange for two reasons
1) The 2019 Labour manifesto was fully costed
2) Keir should know this as he campaigned for it, he was Elected to be an MP due to it.
Read into that what you will.
The Conservative Party Chairman Richard Holden put himself forward on a long list of one (himself) to represent Basildon and Billericay, a safe Tory seat, then refused to answer questions during an interview about his candidate selection being a stitch up. His address is in Bishop Auckland some 260 miles away from Basildon, He then blocked Billericay and the Basildon twitter from following him. It takes a lot to be this incompetent, maybe Rishi is giving lessons?
The Illusion of Democracy - During a Democratic Election
Everyday I went to the home page of my internet browser and it has headlines from the Newspapers, see if you can guess who the Telegraph are supporting with these headlines
Monday 10th June - "Nobody can afford Labours secret tax bill" - Really nobody?
Tuesday 11th June - "Labour has let the cat out of the bag" - and "every parent should be worried" and "Sunak is winning over voters"
Wednesday 12th June - "We moved to Spain to dodge Labour's private school tax raid"
Thursday 13th June - Sir Keir Starmer wilted under security - Starmer "I backed Corbyn in 2019 because I thought he would lose" - Labour is about to give Middle England a simple choice: emigrate or give up - Be warned, Starmer's elite will take no political prisoners.
You cannot have a free Democracy if all the Newspapers have an agenda. I expect this to get so much worse as the vote gets closer.
Welcome to the 2024 Election Blog - 30th - 5th June
Two weeks after the unelected Prime Minister decided we should have an election, so that we can vote in one of the two main parties who are controlled by the Media and big businesses, this builds the Illusion of choice.
Two weeks of campaigning and what have we learnt? Labour have no policies, they only hope that people are so annoyed with the Tories that they'll vote for the Jellyfish with a quiff, they off nothing else other than not being Tory, even though they are more Conservative than the Conservatives but with Red Badges.
Rishi went around telling everyone that Labour will cost everyone £2,000 more in tax. Basically it is because the Conservatives have nothing to offer except fear, it has always been this way, they don't run the country they loot it and the way they always get in is through deception, fear and the media always being on their side, with this in mind Rishi is going into overdrive, he has nothing to offer, so he repeats and repeats things such as "Only the Conservatives can offer stability" really after the shit show they have preceded over for the last 14 years? He's also been saying that Keir has no plan..... He is right, hmm I guess maybe he is right.
Keir mean-while carried on where he left off last week, by doing nothing, saying nothing, being nothing, the only time he gets a mention is when he is chucking MP's out of the Labour Party or welcoming Tories. Basically the below will show you who is welcome in the Labour Party and who is not.
Welcome in the Labour Party | Not welcome in the LAbour Party |
Luciana Berger - Ex Change MP, Ex Lib Dem who campaigned to be the Libral Democratic candidate for Finchley and Golders Green in 2019 - I have nothing against Luciana, the point is if someone can campaign for another party against Labour and be welcomed back in, why is Faiza not allowed in the Labour Party? Or James Foster who got thrown out of Labour by saying "If I was in Hartlepool I would vote for Thelma" who was standing against the Labour Candidate, which as you can see is no different from what Luciana did. | Faiza Shaheen - Faiza found out she had been dropped by Labour whilst out canvassing, when she as well as her team could no longer access the Labour App, she was barred due to tweets including one where she had congratulated an old colleague who had decided to stand as a Green councillor. |
Luke Akehurst - Who tweeted that he thinks the U.N is Anti-Semetic, and whom an Israeli Spy named as Israel's main man inside the Labour Party. | Diane Abbott - Who obviously isn't wanted in the Labour Party over how she's been treated over the past 6 months, so she decided to stay on as Labour candidate, because a) it'll piss off Starmer and b) you have a much better chance of getting Elected by having a major party supporting you. |
Ed Milliband - Who lost the 2015 Election but unlike Corbyn can stand because.... Whoever is pulling Starmer's strings is ok with Miliband, but if you are going to ban Corbyn from standing for losing an election it should only be right you ban others who lost Elections as well, otherwise it just looks vindictive and petty. | Jeremy Corbyn - Leader for the last two Election, Labour member for 50 plus years, Labour MP for over 40 yrs, but now can't stand because Labour have a better chance of winning without them, what a nice party to be a member of |
Siobhan McDouagh - Who claimed anti-capitalism was "anti-Semetic" | Ken Loach - Director of some great anti-povety, social injustice films such as I, Daniel Blake |
Barry Sheerman - Whose reaction to two Jewish Businessmen supposedly missing out on peerages was to tweet about a "run on Silver Shekels" he has form of tweeting without thinking by also tweeting "Just had the worst coffee and Bacon bap in London at Victoria Station. Why can't Camden Food Co. employ English Staff" - Good riddance as he's not standing in this election | Jamie O'Driscoll - Ex Mayor of North Tyne - No explanation was given as to why he wasn't allowed to even be considered a Labour Candidate in the selection long list, a few days after he was blocked from standing on a Labour ticket, the on Shadow Chancellor said it was because he's shared a platform with Ken Loach, which is bizarre as Keir Starmer was on Question time with Ken Loach - This can't be a one rule for one and one rule for another. |
Neil Coyle - Made Racist comments to reporter Henry Dyer | |
Steve Reed - Tweeted about a Jewish Tory Donor being a "puppet Master" | |
Christian Wakeford - Tory MP for Bury South, who wrote in a Whatsapp message that Labour were "a bunch of c**ts" as Labour MP's opposed the Conservative reducing Universal credit, the money people need from the Government to live - Enjoy Labour Voters voting for him in Bury South in 4 weeks. | |
Dan Poulter - Conservative MP for Central Suffolk and North Ipswich - Welcome with open arms into Starmer's labour party | |
Natalie Elphickle - Whom Tory MP Steve Baker said "I have been searching for someone to the right of Natalie", letting her into the Left Wing party would be like the conservatives letting Jeremy Corbyn join the Tories, it would never happen, she also defended her husband who is convicted of sexual assault |
As you can see there are certain people who are allowed to be part of the "Democratic Labour Party" and others who are no longer allowed, they say it is a broad church but you can see how broad it really is, it's also hard to call it a "Democratic Party" when the leadership is parachuting in candidates which is really bizarre when one of the speeches he made was he wanted more openness and Local Labour Parties to have more control over who they become an MP, which makes his decision regarding Corbyn very strange if that is what he really believed.
So that is the leaders of the two main parties, but what about the rest?
Labours Wes Streeting who wants to be Health Secretary, was caught on camera forgetting which hospitals he was planning on repairing - Easily done if you are the Shadow Health Secretary.
Darren Rodwell - Was accused of "inappropriate touching" of a Female attendee and was dropped as a Labour candidate
Lloyd Russell-Moyle - Was suspended by Labour after a complaint was made, but other than that, not a lot else is known.
Luke Akehurst was parachuted into a safe seat, because Starmer only wants "the best" and this now includes people who tweet that the U.N is anti-Semitic.
Robert Largan who is a Conservative that no one has ever heard of has been putting pictures up saying "Labour for Largan" and "Reform for Robert" because nothing says we have a free and open Democracy as a candidate trying to trick people into thinking they aren't Conservative, because the Conservatives, it only works if people don't know who you are, so this may just work for Robert, well it's got more chance of working than actually telling people you are a Conservative candidate. This is being investigated by the Police for Election Fraud. - This isn't the only time the Conservatives have tried these underhand tricks. - But how can you have a Democracy with this kind of underhand tactic.
Whilst on the Conservatives and the kind of people they have as candidates, Iain Dale decided to run for them as MP for Tunbridge Wells, which is a great idea, until it turns out he had previously said "I've lived in Tunbridge Wells since 1997, slightly against my will, in that my partner comes from Tunbridge Wells. I've never liked the place, um, still don't and would happily live somewhere else" He said this in 2022 - He then pulled out of the Election.
Conservative MP Jonathan Gullis had several photos of himself circulating with a known drugs pinking who was jailed for 8 years in 2006 after being found guilty of masterminding a drugs gang, which is strange as he's previously called drug dealers "Savages", "Scroats" and "Scumbags"
Nigel Farage: Who had previously said he didn't want to run as an MP, maybe after losing 7 elections previously, he didn't want to risk 8 in a row especially when in one of them getting less votes than a man in a dolphin suit, I kid you not. Yet he's on the Question time producers speed dial, while Dolphin man never gets anywhere, it's all political, I swear, However I digress, he became leader of the Reform party and decided to stand for Clacton where he got a milkshake and a beer thrown over him in the space of one day, this isn't good for Democracy, people shouldn't be throwing things at Politicians, not that Nigel Farage can be classed as a politician, however this kind of objection to someone isn't right, however some people feel like this is the only way to show their disgust at the lack of Democracy their is in the UK..
Lib Dem leader Sir Ed Davey was convicted of speeding on the M1
The Green Party launched their campaign and no one noticed, but this isn't entirely their fault, the main stream media is very right wing, so ignoring their launch pretty much sums up the state of the UK's Media and Democracy.
Just an average week during an Election.
The Illusion of Democracy
The above are just a few things I noticed this week about the Election, none of the above show that Democracy is an Illusion, (except maybe the Green party not getting much coverage when starting campaigning), it was just the talking points regarding the election that happened over the second week of the Election, but there were some events that showed that Democracy is an Illusion, these are below:
It's not just the people, parties, Royal Family, Government and Media in the UK that damages democracy, it turns out A.I does as well. When it turned out that ChatGPT (a Chat box and Virtual assistant) was telling people that Labour had already won the election, normally it is the BBC and Laura Kuenssberg who uses this tactic (as she did on the 2019 Election day).
A fake video was going around of Wes Streeting Labour Shadow Health Minister saying "stupid woman" about Dianne Abbott, A.I might be the biggest danger to our democracy since Rupert Murdoch bought the Sun Newspaper.
It was announced that on the 7th June there would be an Election debate on the BBC, this does sound like we have a Democracy until you find out who is invited, Labour, Conservative, SNP, Lib Dems, Greens, Reform and Plaid Cymru. Why are Reform included, they have never had an MP elected as yet, they've had one defect from the Conservatives, but no one has been elected on a Reform manifesto, where is the Workers party candidate? I'm no fan of George Galloway, but as he has an MP who has been elected by the party then he should be invited more than reform, either invite all parties with an MP (Including independents), which would be Democratic to show what independents have to say as opposed to the main parties, or only invite the main parties, but don't invite one party with one ex-Conservative MP and not another party which also has one MP. How is that Democracy?
Welcome to the 2024 Election Blog - 23rd - 29th May
One week since Rishi Sunak the Prime Minister that no one voted for to be Prime Minister, called a general election, so surely this means we get our Democracy? Well we'll see, I will be keeping a track of what the Politicians say and do to find out how Democratic this election would be.
Well the best place to start would be the Democratic Socialist party that is the Labour party, first off when Keir Starmer came into power he had 10 pledges, number 4 was was to make selections "more democratic’ and end NEC impositions", but after already having thrown Jeremy Corbyn out of the Labour Party (rightly or wrongly), he then forced a candidate onto the Islington North CLP, who released a tweet pointing out that they only found out who had been selected by a London Regional Labour Party post, in this Democratic Membership led party, they didn't get a say. But Jeremy had already been thrown out so this wasn't much of a surprise, what was a surprise was Diane Abbott revelations, Diane Abbot was a shadow front bencher when Jeremy Corbyn was the leader, so obviously she needs to be removed from this Democratic party, Diane sent a draft to a newspaper where she made some disparaging remarks about Jewish people and Travellers not getting the same kind of Racism that Black people receive, she apologised but rightly got suspended from the Labour Party pending an investigation, this was in April 2023, She was readmitted to the Labour Party this week, I know what you are thinking, does it really take 13 months to have an investigation? No it does not, because the investigation finished in December, she had to take an antisemitism on-line course which she took in February, so why nearly four months later did it take for her to be readmitted? It's because the Labour Party was caught out, someone leaked that the investigation was over, what was more embarrassing was Keir and a Senior Labour official said the investigation was still ongoing just one week before the Election was called. Keir Starmer lied about this. Why? Only he can say, but it's still hard to trust a man who can lie like this when you will obviously be found out, but when the Conservative vote is gone, nothing can stop him.
Even if he has no policies, I'm still waiting on Labour to release something, anything, but it seems they aren't trying to win votes, just make sure people don't vote Conservative.
So Rishi, the current unelected Prime Minister for 5 more weeks, spent all week saying Labour have no plan, he is right, they will take us back to square one (he keeps saying this like that is a bad thing, square one i.e a well funded NHS, more money to schools, libraries, fix roads, more police, more fire services, less homeless, less food banks - Square one sounds a lot better than pillaging the country, but each to their own. The problem Rishi has got is Brexit which they refuse to say anything bad about has destroyed the Conservative party, some people will say this is good news and some will say it's bad, as far as I'm concerned it's bad for Democracy as it gives Labour a Majority which is awful for any party to have a Majority, but they have brought this on themselves, this week I haven't heard him once mention Rwanda, but that could be because he's so dull I could fall asleep or maybe he's learnt that a policy where you have to change the law so that a) The UK government gets to decide that another country is safe regardless of what the UN or anyone else says, the law is that if the UK says that Rwanda is safe then it is safe.... That is an actual law, the Rwanda policy cost over £100 Million and deported no-one. Well one person did leave to go to Rwanda, but it was of their own accord and the UK had to give them £3,000 to go, but it had nothing to do with this policy as they could just make the journey back if they so wished, I think for £3,000 I'd just keep doing this, easy money from the Conservatives, the party that is good with money?
The Royal family have cancelled Royal Engagements so that they don't distract from the Election which is good of them to have 6 weeks off, wish I could have 6 weeks off and still get millions from the tax-payers, but when both main parties support them I don't really understand why they would stop Royal Engagement's and have 6 week off.... but they didn't, Willian still went to the F.A Cup Final, so they are stopping Royal Engagements unless they can get some free tickets to sporting events, expect to see them at Wimbledon as well. But why am I mentioning the Royal Family, when they have nothing to do with Politics, well I'm afraid you are wrong, as I cover in my main blog.
Ed Davey fell in a lake, nothing to do with a lack of Democracy, other than the fact that Ed Davey's is something to do with the Election.... apparently?
Reform who have one MP and 16 Councillors, are everywhere on TV, The Leader Richard Tice has been on BBC and GB News, Nigel Farage who 7 times failed to get elected has been on ITV and also GB News, Tory MP Lucy Allan got suspended by the Conservative party for endorsing Reform, which I'm sure there are easier ways to get suspended by the Conservative Party.
The Green Party apparently exist and so do the erm... others, for some strange reason they don't get the air time that Right Wing Reform get, how strange, you have to wonder in a Democracy why one party is getting such a large platform... hmmmm
That's it, Keir Lied, Rishi wants us to go back to square one, Ed Davey's got wet and Reform managed to get on every TV channel. I hope something happens in the next 5 weeks as this was pitiful.... But that is politics.

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