The Solution
Below is the The only and I mean ONLY way to have a democracy in the U.K, it is simple but near imposible
- Nationalize the Newspapers and the TV media. There is no point having a biased media who are pushing the agenda of their multi million/billion pound owner. Or stop buying the rag mags that pay no tax to the society yet believe they should “help” inform you how to vote, who needs the newspapers anyway? They only tell you what happened yesterday…… and you lived it.
- Get rid of the Royal family, only way for us to have a democracy is to have people in charge of this country who are elected by the people and work for the people and are paid for running the country…. The Royals are paid more than most of the other Royal families over Europe and that is why we never have any money in this country for workers.
- Get rid of all political parties – The leaflets that are sent out by political parties are pretty pointless, they can put whatever they want on there to try and win your vote, but once in, they can just go back on it. The conservatives went back on two manifesto pledges that they promised in 2019, so far it pledged “continue to grant asylum and support to refugees fleeing persecution” it did not mention anything about breaking international law and deporting people to Rwanda, Theresa May didn’t even bother to tell you how much her manifesto would cost or how she would pay for it, could you imagine hiring a builder to do work on your house, without an upfront cost / quote? You wouldn’t but that is what the conservative did with their manifest, but instead of building a conservatory, they are in charge of the economy of the whole of the U.K
Without the political parties, everyone is voted in as an independent, so what they put on the leaflets is what they will fight for, not what the party will make them vote for in a three-line whip. Then get all M.P’s to put on their leaflets how they voted (if they’d been in power) and who gives them money to show the voters who is really in charge of the politician.
- Change from First past the post system to a proportionate representation, but how do you get a PR system? The party you vote in have to offer it, then all M.P’s vote to bring it into law, how likely do you think a government that gets in power with a first past the post system is likely to implement or vote to approve a system that won’t benefit them and give more power to the people?
- Scrap subsidized food for M.P’s, scrap subsidized rail for M.P’s, scrap subsidized energy for M.Ps. You would suddenly see the M.P’s actually doing something about the issues in the UK if they had to face them as well, but while it doesn’t hurt them, they won’t. People will say “Theres no point in becoming an M.P then” Seriously this is why they do it? Or “we can’t live on the M.P’s wage if we can’t get things subsidized, really so how do you expect people on Universal credit to survive on much much much less?
- Have specific apartments for M.P’s in London bought by the state to house them, most of the time they are supposed to be in the HOP working (where they all have their own desks), so why do they need another house in London? An apartment block of 650-700 rooms and after 5 years the keys are handed back for the next M.P’s to come and use them, like student accommodation why do they need more? Or a barge like they have bought from Africa??? For Asylum seekers.
- Get rid of the unelected House of Lords, just like the Royal Family, we need elected figure at the top so we can get rid if they do lose their way or we don’t feel they are working in the best interests of the voters, Nigel Farage said on one of his first day’s in the Jungle that Brexit was so that the u.k would have sovereignty instead of Bureacrates that the U.k can’t vote out. Well he must have forgotten in his E.U bashing that we can’t vote out the Lords or the Royal family, yet he never seemed to go after them. However MEP (European MP’s like he was) could get voted out. However the European Parliament DOES have proportional representation, so already the E.U is more democratic than the U.k. Maybe that’s why Nigel wanted us out?
I know this website seems very one sided…. But then so is our “Democracy”
I think you just have to ask yourself.
Can we really be a democracy with a Monarchy that can change laws when it suits themselves?
Can we really be a democracy if the newspapers have that much influence that they can pick the Prime Minister in every election?
Can we really be a democracy when there is outside forces Israel, U.S, Russia meddling in our elections?
Can we really be a democracy when there are people in the Labour party ready to sabotage that party against the democratic membership? Because they don’t like the policies of the current leader? They are basically putting right wing Tories in charge because they don’t think the person the members voted in is right in their mind, so the whole of the U.K has to suffer because of them
While writing this website I started thinking that In the modern digital age that we live in, do we need this many politicians, for example we “the people” could vote on every law, rather than have one politician who got voted in by 24% of their constituents getting to vote on behalf of 150,000 people seems very undemocratic when people can vote for themselves through the internet, imagine having 50 million people able to vote for what matters to them on every law, there will be a lot of people who won’t matter one way or the other, so won’t bother voting for each and every law may not even vote for any, but they have the choice, they have the option, it’s up to them, we have the technology to implement it, we have the money, or we would if the Conservatives hadn’t given billions to dido Harding for a track and trace system that didn’t work. I can use an app to order prescriptions, we could have one for voting, log on every day and vote, or pick and choose which ones you want to vote for, I see enough people on their phones every day, today I took my daughter to play football and saw every other parent at one point or another on their phone, day before I went to collect my son from Scouts, 5 parents inc me, waiting for Scouts to finish and 4 of us were on our phone…. Not me, but the pull to go on was overwhelming when you see everyone else on them. We can find the time every day to waste time on our phones so why not have an app for voting? People would be much better represented if this was implicated, however there are issues, 1. Who puts the law forward, 2. Who implements it? 3. How to make it safe (people aren’t selling their votes etc…), 4. How to make people fully aware of the law that they are voting for – Have you read the laws that are being put forward at the moment, they seem purposely complicated