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At democracyillusion.co.uk, we are passionate about uncovering the often unseen and misunderstood aspects of contemporary democratic governance. Our goal is to foster informed discussions and critical thinking about the state of or lack of democracy in the world. Through insightful articles, in-depth analyses, and thought-provoking discussions, we aim to challenge conventional wisdom and promote awareness, critical thinking, and active engagement in political discourse.

Opinion Pieces and Thought-Provoking Content
Our blog features a wide range of opinion pieces and thought-provoking content that explores the multifaceted nature of democracy in the 21st century. From in-depth analyses of current events to thought-provoking discussions on democratic governance, our content aims to stimulate critical thinking and inspire meaningful conversations about democracy.
Introduction to the Illusion - First Past The Post
Do you think you have Freedom and a Democracy because you put an X in a box every 5 years?
It’s all an Illusion, to make you feel like you have power, to make you feel like you are in charge, to make you feel like you make a difference, to make you feel like you have a choice, going to the ballot box is just a front because at the end of the count, one of the two main parties backed by the establishment will be in power to make sure nothing changes for you.
People will tell you "it is your Democratic right to vote", people will tell you "don’t waste it", people "will say if you don’t vote you don’t have a say", well you don’t have a say either way, vote or no vote, the politicians will say that they are listening and they are…. But not to you the voter.
The rules of Democracy are so tight that no matter how you vote, they still win. One of the ways they do this is with the First Past The Post Rule. This means that for example if 500,000 people vote in a constituency, 250,001 vote for one candidate and 249,999 vote for the other, the one with 250,001 votes get in, seems fair right, they got the most votes…. However that means that 249,999 votes are thrown in the bin, they are as much use as an empty wrapping paper and you have to wait another 5 years to have your say again, your Democratic right means nothing if your vote is pointless and most of them are, so all the candidates (that stand a chance of getting into power) take money from the same companies and institutions, your chances increase if you are a member of one of the main political parties in the UK, it gets worse when you think there are more than two candidates, say 8 for example, and say for example there are 125,000 registered voters in a constituency and they all decide to vote (well you can already see how this is a hypothetical theory), say 20,000 people vote for one person / party, then all the other candidates get 15,000 votes each, all 105,000 people who voted for these other candidates are pointless thrown in the bin, pointless, meaningless, those 105,000 voters may have different policies to that Politician, i.e. the Politician maybe Right wing and the 105,000 voters are left wing, those 105,000 get represented in Parliament for the next 5 years by someone who doesn’t share political persuasion, their vote is wasted and the person representing them will be voting against all the things they would like a politician to vote for, again you might think this is fair, the person with the most votes gets in, that is Politics. And the MP does represent these people or at least they've been voted in by less than 16% to represent all 125,000 people, doesn't make sense does it? But.....that..... is...... politics.
Imagine if this Hypothetical scenario was to happen in all 650 Constitution’s? Then 68,250,000 votes in a general election are thrown in the bin, how is this a Democracy when this many people could be bothered to go to the Ballot Box and put an X in a box for the first time in 5 years, see their vote thrown in the bin. To put this in perspective, below show's how many votes are wasted.
Votes: £81,250,000
Counted: 13,000,000
Thrown in the Bin: 68,250,000
Over 68 million votes are "thrown away" / "wasted" in a General Election, look at how many votes are meaningless in this Democracy.
The MP’s say “we will fight for every vote” but they know they don’t have to, which due to the “system” we have, means that a lot of people use tactical voting, this is where you “lend” your vote to a candidate to stop another candidate you like even less getting in, so even more votes are “wasted” by people and parties that they do not want. We are given one vote every 5 years but the system we have makes it worthless to MILLIONS of people:
For example, Nottingham North in 2019
The Winner was: Alex Norris with: 17,337
The other 4 parties received: 17,983 put together
17,337 voted actually counted, these 17 thousand people in Nottingham North managed to get themselves represented in the HOC, whilst 17,983 got their vote binned, and you have to wonder how many of them voted Conservative to try and stop Labour from getting in.
There were 66,516 registered voters in in Nottingham North in 2019, that means there were 31,196 people who are registered to vote in Nottingham North but didn’t bother to vote, they will have all had different reasons and I will get into these later on.
Politics effect everything in life, whether you want to believe that or not, it is true, from schools, roads, Police, Fire Service, price of food, etc... And yet just over 50% of people in Nottingham North could be bothered to vote, chances are it is because they see how pointless it is with the first past the post system but a quarter of all the votes cast in Nottingham North elected one person to represent them.
How can this be possibly be classed as a Democracy? When more than half the votes cast are thrown away?
But that is politics
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