On this page I will update with articles and news from what I have noticed in general which shows that we do not live in a Democracy and that it is all an illusion to make us voters think we have power, but in actual fact the whole system is run by a few powerful people for the benefit of a few powerful people.
12th Jan
Wow, The richest person in the World is reported to be taking to Dominic Cummings the architect of Brexit and ex-adviser to Boris Johnson on how to overthrow Starmer the currently elected Prime Minister of the UK....
10th Jan
So since , the new year a lot has happened, we've had Foreign Influencing the UK's politics, we've had both parties pretending they care about things other than themselves and we've had the News acting like they care, and it was all over one subject.... A very serious one!
It started on New Years day when GB News announced that Jess Phillips the safe guarding minister had rejected two request's from Oldham council for a home office led inquiry into historic child abuse. As she thought it would be "for Oldham Council alone to decide to commission an inquiry into child sexual exploitation locally, rather than for the Government to intervene"
What a way to start the new year, from here it all kicked off. The second of the month we had Elon Musk the South African owner of X (previously known as Twitter), shared several Tweets, saying Jess should be in Prison and Keir Starmer should quit and that the UK should have another Election just a normal day of Foreign Influence in UK "Democracy" .
Since then both sides of the Chamber and both Left and Right Politicians have jumped on the band wagon. Yes it is a serious issue, yes it needs investigating, but do they actually care?
Nigel Farage posted video's of himself demanding an investigation into the abuse.
So Kemi Badenoch had to show that she cared about this issue by demanding an investigation.
Keir Starmer refused an investigation as we've had 10 already, 10, the last one lasted 7 years, the Conservatives were in power when all 10 of these investigations were published, Kemi Badenoch was the Women's and Equalities Minister and did she say anything during this time? So why now? Is it possible that this is another one of those issues that they care enough to beat the opposition with it, the last inquiry lasted 7 years, it has been completed
So the Conservatives brought forward an amendment to the bill to call for ministers to establish a national statutory inquiry into historical child sexual exploitation, focused on grooming gangs. If the amendment passed it would kill the bill and 7 year inquiry into child sexual abuse would be lost and the recommended amendments that the seven year inquiry had suggested to make would not be put in place.
Do the Conservatives really want to kill this bill? No, but if they really cared about Child exploitation then why did they not bring this up at any point in the last 14 years of being in power, they care when they can use it as a stick to beat Labour with, but not enough to do something about it when they have the power. This is the biggest problem with the two main parties, instead of working together to make the UK better, they put all their efforts into using the issue to attack the other side. The UK will never improve whilst we have the two main parties in power.
Here we have Foreign influence, Rich Donors and Political Parties, just trying to score Political Points and hindering Democracy.
How convenient that all this started 10 days before the vote on the Child Reasoned Amendment On Children's Well being and Schools Bill
But it's not just the UK that has this problem, currently in the USA, California are having awful fires, destroying everything in it's path, both Republicans and Democrats are both blaming each other for the issue. Both Political Parties are using the fire to attack the other side.
Labour Cronyism
Two stories broke about Labour offering help, services, jobs to friends. Basically Labour are accused of doing what the Conservatives have done for the last 14 years. A vote for either main party is a vote to carry on letting Politicians get away with everything they want. A vote for a Political Party doesn't change anything
Labour Lied throughout the Election
During the Election, Labour pledged they would protect older people and pensioners from the cost of living crisis - They scrapped the Winter fuel allowance for 10 million pensioner
During the Election, Labour said they would stop the energy price cap from rising - On the 23rd August there was an announcement by Ofgem that the energy price rise would rise in October 2024 by 10%
During the Election, Labour said it would keep energy Bills down - The typical bill is going up by £149.00
During the Election, Labour said it would save you £1,000 this winter - With the Rising Bills and cutting the Winter Fuel Allowance, means that 10,000,000 Pensioners will be £449 worse off
What is the point in voting Labour if they are no better than the Government they replace?
Labour Tax pledge
So after saying all through the election there would be no Tax increases, Rachael Reeves today (29th July) has apparently found a 20 billion black hole in the finances, I don't know how you hide 20 billion, but apparently the Tories managed to do this, currently the UK has a 51 Billion Deficit, so what's another 20 Billion between friends? Basically this is Labour way of being Conservative, U-turn on your Manifesto pledge, blame the other side and start making those tough decisions which always seem to be take money from the poor, it's unclear just yet who will get shafted by the Red Tories, but if you are rich you don't need to worry, she (like the Blue Tories) won't touch billionaire tax avoiders, she will make those tough choices by filling the black hole using money taken from people on Benefits, pensioners. It is what always happens and always will when Conservatives are in power. But after weeks of promising no Tax increases, it's only a matter of time for Starmer to U-Turn, it's what he does.
Was this a trap by the Tories before the election, where they cut 2% of the National Insurance, which Labour went ahead with, which cost 20 billion for the Economy, the same amount that Labour has just found "missing", what a coincidence. So did the Tories lay a trap for Labour? It was Win Win for them, they could either win the Election due to this cut and keep "hiding" the 20 Billion or they lose the Election and can have a go at Labour when they raise Taxes or take money from Pensioners. Either way if this was a trap, it's a pretty nasty thing to do, because this is people lives they are playing with, the two child benefit cap, the taking away the Winter Fuel allowance. Instead of working together to make things easier for the people who vote for them, they instead lie, set traps all to gain power, it's never about the voters it's about power, and gaining power over the other political party is all that matters. Remember that when you go to vote for either of them!
The Power the Political Parties have.
On the 23rd July 2024, Keir Starmer suspended 7 MP's for defying the Labour Whip and voting against the Government who want to keep the two child limit on Child Benefit. It passed which isn't a surprise when you have a massive majority, but because the Labour Party held a three line whip, every MP had to vote with the Government, and the seven that voted to abolish this were suspended from Labour for 6 month. Just think about that for a moment, these MP's might have been voting with their conscious, or in the best interests of the people who voted them in, their constituent's, but none of that matters, all that matters is what the party says and wants, and that is where Democracy falls down, the Party has so much power, that the best way to get elected is by being a member of a party, having their support and the money they bring in from donors to help you, you need the party more than they need you, so even though we are a long way off another election, to be "put in their place" and "shown who they really serve" and "who rules the roost" will hurt these MP's who are now independent's for pretty much the end of the year, no support from the party, no money for their area, or help in organizing, yep, if you aren't a member of a party, it's pretty pointless being an MP. Regardless of your morals or your politics, your chances of being elected increase with being a member of a political party, and we won't have a democracy until the people stop voting for parties and start voting independently.
On a side note, the reason Keir doesn't want to scrap the two child benefit is because of the state of the Economy, This is bullshit! He knows it and hopes that you don't realize it yourself, it would cost £3.4 billion, sounds a lot and it is, don't get me wrong, but to say there is no money for this when giving Ukraine £3 billion a year, or that we've just spent £250,000 for a billionaire to put a hat on and open Parliament, or that the Royal family cost the British tax payer £345 million a year. I'm not saying these are the same cost, All I'm saying is the state of the Economy doesn't stop us doing these other things so why does it stop helping the people in life who need it the most? They use the Economy as an excuse, the Conservatives used it for 14 years to pass money to their rich donor friends and now Labour are using it to hit the working class where it hurts. Both parties are different cheeks of the same arse, and that is why we don't have a Democracy.
The swearing in of MP's
When an MP gets sworn in, they have to swear allegiance to the Crown and any successors, not to you, not to the Constituents that voted them into power...... The King, nothing says Democracy more than people voting in MP's to represent them, but they have to swear to do everything they can for an unelected head of state and nothing proves how ridiculous this is than when these same MP's say there is no money to stop policies like the Two Child Benefit cap, however there is plenty of money to put a hat on someone's head and then get him to read a piece of paper to open Parliament. As you can imagine not every MP believes we should hail an unelected head of state in a Democracy, and until these people do swear allegiance they cannot become an MP, nor will they get paid. So the person you voted in to represent you , cannot not represent you until they swear that they will put a man who doesn't even dress himself first! Democracy hey.
12th June 2024 - The Anti-Monarchy group, Republic claimed that the Met Police were trying to stop them from protesting the changing of the guard, Whether you like the Royals or not, the Police shouldn't be used this way in a Democracy.
The Conservatives launched their manifesto with a promise to END the 20mph speed limit in Wales, This is typical of Westminster ruling over Wales, would be interesting to see if the Conservatives got in at Westminster but didn't get in, in Wales to see if they actually did this and over ruled the party leading Wales.